Restoring the Body with Dry Brushing

Where I live it's Sunday - the 'day of rest'. Each Sunday I incorporate this theme as my #selfcare day and provide my vessel (body) with rituals of long lasting health! Today I want to discuss the ancient practice of dry brushing.

You may have heard of it, this idea of taking to your skin with a dry brush.

But why would you do that?

People have been doing it for centuries. The Japanese used loofah sponges to brush the skin vigorously before hot baths. Ancient Greeks were known to use skin scrapers to get the skin clean and increase circulation. Native Americans used dried corn cobs and sand from river bottoms to scrub and clean the skin.

Today, many of us just wash & dry. Hopefully, applying a little moisturizer first!

Seasons affect your skin

During the cold winter months, our skin tends to suffer under harsh weather conditions, dry heated air, hot water cleansing, and lack of tender care. When spring and summer come around and we want to wear those skin-baring fashions, suddenly we realize the fix we’re in.

Dry skin brushing is a simple method of invigorating the body skin with a soft brush. The best time is right before your shower or bath, so that you can wash off the skin afterwards.

There is a definite method to the process, which includes the following steps:

  1. Start with a soft, dry brush made specifically for dry skin brushing. Other brushes may be too hard or harsh, and could cause micro-tears in the skin that can lead to acne, wounds, and infection.
  2. Use circular motions from the neck to the torso, and from the toes up, always moving toward the heart. Practitioners also suggest going from left to right over the stomach to follow the natural digestive path.
  3. Apply even pressure. Your skin should turn a light red, but you should not feel pain or irritation. You can use more pressure on thicker areas of skin, such as those that are on the heels, elbows, and knees. Use less pressure on sensitive areas like the underarms, stomach, inside of the thighs, and neck. It’s best for women to avoid brushing the breasts.
  4. Brush the entire body this way. The process should take about 3-5 minutes.
  5. Hop into the shower or bath to wash skin clean. Be sure to apply a deep moisturizer when you get out! I LOVE doTERRA's Yarrow|Pom Body Renewal Serum. It leaves my skin feeling smooth with it's powerful bioactive compounds and skin-protecting proteins.

There are a lot of great dry skin brushes out there today. Most use natural rather than synthetic fibers, and several have longer handles to help you reach your back and feet. You can choose the one that you like best. If you try one and the brush seems too hard, don’t continue! Look for one that’s a bit softer to get started with. You may even want to try a massage mitt if that’s easier.